


Administrative Committee of Guiyang National High-tech Zone
发布时间:2017-06-13 11:50:00 | 浏览次数:

Administrative Committee of Guiyang National High-tech Zone

Ten Measures to Promote Block Chain Technological Innovation and Its Application Demonstration in Guiyang High-Tech Industrial Development Area(For trial implementation)

This policy is formulated hereby to speed up the  block chain technological innovation and its application demonstration in Guiyang High-Tech Industrial Development Area, develop the big data version 2.0 of the Area and build it into a demonstration area for innovation-driven development.

Measure 1 Move-in subsidies

1. The rent subsidy. For the office or production space no more than 500 square meters leased by a resident company (organization) for some block chain project, the leasee, after paying the rent, may receive the full-amount rent subsidy for three consecutive years starting from the first year of the lease contract.

2. The decoration subsidy: 500 yuan/m2, or   500,000 yuan in total at most for each resident company to  decorate its office space.

Measure 2 Operation subsidy

For the data storage space rent, broadband service expense, and water and electricity bills incurred for the daily operation, the project unit may receive a subsidy which is 20% of the actual amount incurred, or 500,000 yuan at most per year, for three consecutive years starting from the first year of the lease contract.

Measure 3 Revenue-based reward

When the business revenue generated from the provision of block chain technical (application) services hits the bar of five million yuan, 10 million yuan, 50 million yuan, and 100 million yuan, respectively, for the first time, the resident company (organization) in question may receive a one-off reward of 200,000 yuan, 500,000 yuan, one million yuan and two million yuan, respectively.

Measure 4 Innovation rewards

1. The resident company (organization) which has applied overseas for the block chain technological invention patent via the Patent Cooperation Treaty or the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property may receive a reward of 300,000 yuan for each patent granted. It may receive a reward of 50,000 yuan for each domestic block chain technological invention patent granted. The reward for each block chain technological copyright registered and each computer software copyright registered is 10,000 yuan.

2. The resident company (organization) which is approved to build a block chain innovation and entrepreneurship base may receive a one-off  incentive: two million yThe  resident  company  (organization)  which  is recognized as an innovation-oriented company for its research, development or application of block chain technologies and is granted a plaque for the honor may receive a one-off incentive: 500,000 yuan for a national innovation-oriented company, 300,000 yuan for a provincial leading company in innovation, and 200,000 yuan for a provincial innovation-oriented company.

3. uan for a national base and one million yuan for a provincial base.

4. Out of resident companies (organizations) which lead the development of block chain technical and application standards (specifications), the winner of the China Standard Innovation Award may receive a reward of 500,000 yuan. The top three drafting units whose  corporate standards are turned into international standards may receive a reward of one million yuan, 500,000 yuan and 200,000 yuan, respectively; those whose corporate standards are turned into national standards may receive a reward of 500,000 yuan, 200,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan respectively; industry standards, 200,000 yuan, 100,000 yuan and 50,000 yuan, respectively; and provincial standards, 50,000 yuan, 20,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan, respectively. Those which are approved to assume the role of secretariat for national, industry-wide, and provincial standardization technical committee may receive a reward of   500,000   yuan,   200,000   yuan   and   50,000    yuan,respectively.

5. The resident company (organization) which has been recognized in an innovation contest above the municipal level for its research, development or application of block chain technologies may receive a one-off reward: two million yuan for an international award, one million yuan for a national award, 500,000 yuan for a provincial award and 200,000 yuan for a municipal award.

6. The resident company (organization) whose block chain technology key (engineering) lab, engineering (technology) research center, or corporate technology center is approved to be put into operation may receive a one-off reward: five million yuan for a national lab/research center, two million yuan for a state-local joint lab/research center, and one million yuan for a provincial lab/research center.

Measure 5 Rewards for technological advancement

1. The resident company (organization) which has made any technological breakthrough nationwide or worldwide in the distributed ledger technology, symmetric cryptography, authorization technology, consensus mechanism or smart contract, a breakthrough certified by the expert committee, may receive a one-off reward of two million yuan at most.

2. The resident company (organization) which has played a leading role in the development of a block chain scenario application product whose core technology is confirmed proprietary by the expert committee and  which has been launched in the market may receive a one-off reward of one million yuan at most.

Measure 6 Human resources support

1. Block chain technology specialists who have made outstanding contribution and are certified as high-level specialists are entitled to the living allowance and affordable housing services provided by the Area. Recognized high-level block chain technology specialists recruited by resident companies (organizations) in the  Area are also entitled to all the benefits for high-level specialists provided by the Area.

2. The local government shall subsidize the personal contribution to social insurance paid by high-level specialists for core block chain technology, and the basic medical insurance of full-time resident experts of foreign nationality recruited by resident companies (organizations) in the Area. Much-needed top specialists from at home and abroad who have settled and worked in the Area for more than five years may receive a one-off settlement subsidy of 100,000 yuan. The local government shall subsidize the basic social insurances of college graduates in core majors for the block chain technology who are recruited by resident companies (organizations) for three consecutive years starting from the first year of their employment.

3. A public household register will be set up for all specialists recruited by resident companies (organizations) and their immediate family members and active  efforts will be made to coordinate nearby premium educational resources   to   provide   education   for   children   of    the specialists.

Measure 7 Training subsidies

1. The local government has rolled out generous incentives to attract block chain technology training institutions. Training schools and vocational  schools which are open in the Area, have trained more than 100 students in core majors of the block chain technology per year in the first three years of operation, and whose students have obtained the diploma or national professional certification for core majors of the block chain technology and have worked in resident companies for more than one year after graduation, may receive a one-off subsidy of no more than 200,000 per year, or 500 yuan/student/year. Companies are also encouraged to make use of the advantageous big data-based training resources in the Area to offer order-based training in much-needed special majors for the industrial  development of the block chain technology. Each of their students may receive a tuition subsidy of 1,000 yuan per school year, in addition to the living allowance from the employer.

2. Training institutions which are approved by the Academic Degree Commission of the State Council to independently open doctoral and postgraduate programs and set up their teaching point in the Area, may receive a one-off subsidy of one million yuan and 800,000 yuan, respectively. Resident companies (organizations) are encouraged to jointly set up teaching points and specialty orientation programs  for  core  majors  of the block  chain technology with institutions of higher education in Guiyang: the company in question may receive a one-off subsidy of 500,000 yuan, 400,000 yuan, 300,000 yuan and 200,000 yuan, respectively for the joint teaching point which is approved to offer off-campus doctoral, postgraduate, undergraduate and junior college programs that have been included into the higher education system and are in actual operation; and 100,000 yuan for each specialty orientation program organized.

3. As to the joint training sessions in cooperation with institutions of higher education inside and outside  Guizhou or with advanced provinces/autonomous regions in China or advanced study and training programs on specialties much needed in the Area, the training expenses shall be divided between the local government and the employer of trainees at a ratio of 2:1.

Measure 8 Subsidized loans

When a resident company (organization) secures a loan from banking institutions for the purpose of block chain projects, the local government may subsidize 100%, 80% and 60% of the interest in the first, second, and third year, respectively, calculated based on the benchmark loan rate of the same period, amounting to one million yuan at most for each year.

Measure 9 Risk compensation

A risk compensation fund is in place and financial institutions such as banks and insurance companies are encouraged to provide innovative services such as investment-lending  linkage, investment-lending-insurance linkage and insurance-lending linkage. When the financial institution suffers from losses for lending to block chain projects of resident companies (organizations), once verified, it may receive a subsidy worth 50% of the money lent, capped at one million yuan for each single loan. When a guarantee company suffers from losses for guaranteeing such loans, once verified, it may receive a subsidy worth 30% of the compensation amount incurred, capped at one million yuan for each single loan.

Measure 10 Rewards for listing

Resident companies specialized in the research, development, application and innovation of the block chain technology which are listed on overseas main boards or domestic main board, SME board or Growth Enterprise Market may receive a reward of 14 million yuan and 8.5 million yuan (including incentives from upper-level governments), respectively. Those which are listed on the National Equities Exchange and Quotations are entitled to a reward of two million yuan (including incentives from upper-level governments). The reward money shall be given in stages: 50% after the application materials are officially accepted by the competent authority, and the other 50% after listing.

All the above measures apply to only enterprises (organizations) which are registered with the industrial & commercial, taxation and statistical authorities in the Area, have signed the investment agreement with the Steering Committee, possess the status of a legal person, and are capable of independent accounting and confirmed to be  in actual operation.

The certification related rewards herein apply only to certificates obtained by the company (organization) in question after its registration in the Area.

For projects and companies (organizations) to be certified, the Block Chain Technology Expert Committee is responsible for the review and certification, and drafting the review results with signature. When the Expert Committee decides that a technical test is necessary, the test shall be conducted by a third-party test agency authorized by the Area.

When this policy repeats what has been rolled out by the central, provincial, municipal  or district  government, or when multiple preferential policies apply to one single project or company (organization), the more favorable policy shall prevail and the difference between two rewards shall be made up.

This policy shall be effective for trial implementation for two years from the date of issuance.

The Steering Committee of Guiyang High-Tech Industrial Development Area shall be responsible for the interpretation of this policy.

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